

  • CEO 인사말
  • 연혁
  • 경영이념
  • 조직도
  • 주요 고객사
  • 회사위치
  • 동영상 소개

President Message


  Since the establishment of Kyung Dong Precision Co., Ltd, we have been trying our best to satisfy customers with our reliable services and advanced products of high quality and refinement. Thanks to the trust and confidence of our customers in our products, they have been chosen to make continuous contributions in the diverse manufacturing fields of cars, electronics, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, and so on.

  We are proud and grateful that our customers have been showing a continued patronage for our products. The fruition of such an achievement has been brought by technology-related after-sales services that promptly respond to our customers' requests, and our product development ability obtained through our ceaseless quest for new innovate technology and constant improvements.

  Both the management and all the employees will neither relent nor be satisfied with where we currently stand. We will continue to spur ourselves to develop superior products and improve the quality of ever-changing gas springs.

  Kyung Dong Precision Co., Ltd, a leading company representing the industry of gas springs, is committed to contributing to the industries of car-making, electric appliances, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, furniture, and many more and will be grobally competing to be the leading company specializing in gas springs.

  We really appreciate and ask for your continuing support and patronage for our products and services.
